
Genetic Testing Before Pregnancy

Completing genetic testing during an IVF-ICSI cycle provides a wealth of information about each embryo before transferring to the uterus. During an IVF cycle, when the egg and sperm have fertilized to form an embryo, a few cells are taken from the embryo to be tested. The embryo transfer takes place after the results of the genetic test are released. Completing genetic testing lengthens the duration of treatment.

Gender Selection:

Screen your embryos to identify the gender. To learn more about the steps involved in selecting your baby’s gender, click here.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing Diagnosis (PGT-M) for hereditary disease or single gene disorders:

Assess embryos for hereditary diseases, allowing parents with a known hereditary (genetic) disease to ensure their children do not have that genetic condition.

HLA Matching:

Help a family member suffering from a hereditary disease curable by bone marrow transplant by identifying an HLA match during IVF.

Identify and Prevent Hereditary Disease

Based on individual needs, a genetic counselor may recommend that screening be completed in order to identify if you are a carrier of a hereditary disease. If a genetic mutation is found, Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT-M) during an IVF cycle is utilized in order to avoid passing on the hereditary disease or medical protocols may be altered during treatment in order to optimize the outcome.

Most carriers of mutations of hereditary diseases have no symptoms and are not affected. However, if you and your partner are carriers for the same mutation, your child is at a significantly higher risk of being afflicted with that disease. IVF Michigan Fertility Center offers genetic screening tests that screen parents for more than 100 single-gene disorders, including cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Tay-Sachs disease and sickle cell disease.

Genetic carrier screening is a tool for couples to identify if they are carriers of a heredity disease. Genetic carrier screening is most often recommended when the genetic disease has previously been identified or there is a known family history for a particular genetic disorder. Genetic carrier screening is used to detect genetic diseases caused by a few number of mutations or for detecting mutations in small genes. If a mutation is identified, Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing Diagnosis (PGT-M) completed during an IVF cycle is used to ensure the embryo being transferred does not have that particular genetic disorder or mutation.

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