If you are interested in an egg or sperm donor cycle, we can help you start your family with an anonymous egg or sperm donor. We are proud to have a very high rate of success with donor cycles (up to 80%) and have egg and sperm donors from different races and cultures, so we are able to find the most suitable donor to help you complete your family. To get started with your donor egg or sperm cycle, contact IVF Michigan Fertility Center to set up a consultation.

Egg Recipients

If you and your physician have decided that IVF using donor eggs is an option for you, IVF Michigan Fertility Center can help identify the egg donor best suited for you and your family.  IVF Michigan Fertility Center’s success rate using donor eggs has reached 80%. Pregnancy chances with donor eggs are independent of your age since they reflect the age of the egg donor at donation. Since IVF Michigan Fertility Center identifies young women for our donor list, these eggs will give you a much higher rate of success and lower rates of miscarriage. Egg Donors undergo a strict screening process that will be explained to you in detail at your appointment. To get started with your donor egg cycle, contact IVF Michigan Fertility Center to set up a consultation.

Sperm Recipient

If you require donor sperm, IVF Michigan Fertility Center works with several facilities to obtain donor sperm. IVF Michigan Fertility Center has worked with the following FDA-compliant sperm banks. Please note that IVF Michigan Fertility Center does not accept sperm donations.

To get started with your donor sperm IVF cycle, contact IVF Michigan Fertility Center to set up a consultation.

What are the steps of an IVF cycle with donor egg or sperm?

  1. Consultation: Contact IVF Michigan Fertility Center or book an appointment online to discuss the details of your IVF cycle and have any of your questions answered.
  2. Matching: We help to ensure that you find your perfect match. While you may be looking for specific cultural backgrounds or physical features, we would also love to provide you with information about your donor’s personality, so you can connect with him or her on a deeper level.
  3. Coordinating your cycle: Once you have selected your egg or sperm donor, we will assign an IVF Coordinator who will guide you through your journey.

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