Recurrent Miscarriage

Repeat miscarriage, sometimes called recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), is classically defined as a minimum of two miscarriages occurring consecutively. Whether you fit the clinical definition of recurrent miscarriage or you have experienced two or more pregnancy losses and want to do what you can to avoid another, we can help.


What causes a miscarriage?

Fetal loss is the most common pregnancy complication, occurring in 25-30% of recognized pregnancies. The most common cause of early pregnancy loss is chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, which account for at least 50-60% of all first trimester losses. Chromosomal abnormalities are typically the result of errors that may occur as the embryo divides and grows. The chance of these errors occurring generally increases with the age of the mother, as egg quality diminishes as a woman ages.

How can I prevent a miscarriage from occurring?

Because many miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities, one way to help prevent a miscarriage is genetic testing through comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS). CCS, also known as Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) or embryo screening, checks for any abnormalities in all 24 chromosomes. Chromosomal abnormalities include Trisomy 13 (Down syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome) and Trisomy 21 (Patau syndrome). By completing PGT, IVF Michigan Fertility Center can guarantee that only embryos that are chromosomally normal are transferred, reducing the chance of miscarriage.

PGT also includes the screening of chromosomes X and Y, which also makes gender selection possible.