Tips on Traveling with Fertility Medication During the Holidays
Navigating fertility treatments during the holidays requires careful planning, especially when it comes to traveling with medications.
Traveling with medicine:
My number one piece of advice if traveling during the holidays is to do an inventory of your medications (including syringes/needles) to make sure you have enough to get you through your trip. The last thing you want to be stressing about is trying to order/ship more medications/supplies to wherever you are staying (not to mention, you might not want the person you’re staying with to know you are doing IVF). It can be helpful to organize your medications and supplies in a storage container for easy access. Never check your fertility medications – always bring them on your carry on. You can use a frozen gel pack and insulated container to keep your medications cold while traveling. Know your airline’s rules for traveling with injectable medications (check the website). We can provide a doctor’s note if needed. Remember to keep your medications in their original packaging.
How to keep your medicine schedule:
Keep an electronic and hard copy of your medication schedule with you. Remember that fertility offices and pharmacies may have limited hours during the holidays so be sure to call with any questions prior to leaving for your trip. Since the holidays are busy with traveling and you are out of your routine, it may be helpful to write down your medicine schedule! Set alarms on your phone so you don’t forget to take your medicine.
How to tell your family/friends about fertility treatments:
Choosing to share your fertility journey is a personal decision. If traveling while doing IVF or fertility treatments, know ahead of time that it might be difficult to keep your treatments under wraps from those around you. Plan out where you will administer and store your medications during your trip. Sharing your story with those close to you (or those you are staying with), may make it easier to navigate administering/storing medications amid a chaotic holiday schedule (dinners, parties, etc).