National Infertility Awareness Week

From April 21 to April 27, we honored National Infertility Awareness Week, a federally recognized health observance. With infertility affecting 1 in 8, it is possible that everyone has at least one friend or family member struggling with infertility.

One of the issues we highlighted during the week was male infertility. Infertility is not just a disease that affects women; men suffer as well. New studies show that in approximately 40 percent of couples struggling with infertility, the male partner is either the sole cause or a contributing cause of infertility.

Male infertility may be caused by a range of factors, most of which affect the quantity or quality of sperm. Semen analyses can determine male infertility. These test motility, morphology, sperm count and vitality.

We also honored our amazing Reproductive Endocrinologists who work tirelessly for our patients.

Dr. Cottrell believes in providing personalized, compassionate fertility care to couples and individuals. She shares the emotions and joys of helping other build their families.

Dr. Shamma is passionate about helping his patients’ dreams of building their families come true.

Dr. Hammoud gives his patients hope during their journey to parenthood.

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