Mojo Gives You a Baby Winner: Brittani and Rob

IVF Michigan has once again teamed up with Mojo in the Morning to give couples not capable of having a baby, the gift of life. We have enjoyed partnering with them year after year to provide couples with the chance of having a baby.

Congratulations to Brittani and Rob on being the first winning couple! This was their story:

My husband and I both come from big families who are VERY close. We have dreamed of starting our family since before we got married 3.5 years ago. I have wanted to be a mom my entire life. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. We want to be able to have a family and have the opportunity to become parents to a baby who is half of each of us. It would mean everything to us to be able to have that dream come true.


*Featured image from Mojo in the Morning.

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